Striker - Modern
Talent | Buff |
5000 | Purple Moves' starting MP reduced by 1 for your Opponent. |
9000 | Purple Moves' starting MP reduced by 2 for your Opponent. |
15000 | Purple Moves' starting MP reduced by 3 for your Opponent. |
Name | Color | MP | Ability |
Inverted Indian Deathlock | 11 | SUBMISSION! Place 4 Submission Gem(s) and do 26027 Damage for 10 Turn(s) while Submission Gem(s) are on the Gem Board. Remaining Submission Gems turn into Power Gem(s) of Strength 47008. | |
Groin Kick | 6 | Deal 33997 Damage and Choose 1 Gem(s) to Make into Black Gem(s). The Pin Bar will not move. | |
Spinebuster | 6 | Deal 34868 Damage and Gain 6 Red MP. | |
Sledge Body Shot | 8 | Deal 65353 Damage and Destroy 5 Random Red Gem(s). | |
Cutter | 8 | Deal 59774 Damage and Choose 4 Gem(s) to Make into Black Gem(s). | |
Jumping High Knee | 1 | Deal 5811 Damage and Steal up to 3 MP from each of your opponent's Red Moves! | |
Pedigree | 9 | Deal 89661 Damage and Deal 109434 Bleed Damage to your opponent for 3 Turn(s). | |
Rotting Clothesline | 9 | Deal 60970 Damage and Choose a 3 x 2 area to Destroy. |
# | Name | Bonus |
1. | Modern Era | Gems do 5% more Damage. |
2. | WrestleMania 22 | - |
3. | WrestleMania 35 | - |
4. | Zombies | 20% more Health. |
5. | Zombies 2020 | Moves that cause Bleed will do 50% more Bleed Damage. |