SPlus Tier

Cody Rhodes "Casey Jones"

Striker  -  New Generation


Talent Buff
300 Purple Moves start with 1 more Move Points(MP).
300 Green Gems do 10% more Damage.
5000 Green Gems do 15% more Damage.
9000 Green Gems do 20% more Damage.
15000 Green Gems do 30% more Damage.
18000 Green Gems do 40% more Damage.
21000 Purple Moves start with 2 more Move Points(MP).
21000 Green Gems do 45% more Damage.
35000 Green Gems do 50% more Damage.


Name Color MP Ability
Batter Up! 10 FINISHER! Deal 2955840 Damage and Choose a 2 x 5 area to Swap into Black Gems and PIN the opponent!
Hooking 5 Deal 699650 Damage and Make 30 Random Gem(s) into 1-Turn Countdown Gem(s) that will Deal 350000 Damage and Make 3 Random Gem(s) into Blue Gem(s). at the end of the countdown.
Cowabummer Dude 1 Deal 729844 Damage and Increase your Red MP by 5.
Purple Dragon Slayer 5 COLOR SUBMISSION! Choose 10 Gem(s) to make into Black Submission Gem(s) and do 1249950 Damage for 3 Turn(s) while Submission Gem(s) are on the Gem Board. Remaining Submission Gems turn into Power Gem(s) of Strength 900000.
Goongala! 5 Deal 950234 Damage and Choose a 7 x 1 area to make into Snowfall Gems which will modify all gems below it into Gems when broken by you. Then Deal 1500000 Damage and Choose a 7 x 1 area to Swap into Blue Gems!
Casey Cutter 5 Deal 894510 Damage and Choose 3 Column(s) to Make into Multiply Gem(s) of Strength 8.
Foul Play 5 Deal 698866 Damage and Increase the Strength of your Power Gems by 500000.
Vigilante Kick 5 Deal 878928 Damage and Increase your Blue Gem Damage by 125% for 1 Turns. (Does not affect "Bonus Damage"). Then Deal 1000000 Damage and Decrease all Countdown Gem timers by 1.


# Name Bonus
1. New Generation Gems do 10% more Damage.
2. TMNT Any Color Moves that deal Damage will deal 75% more Damage